ANR Manufacturing Ltd

Unit 1, Jacksons Industrial Estate
Wessex Road Bourne End
Buckinghamshire SL8 5DT
+44 (0)1628 819157 Call ANR Manufacturing Ltd Email ANR Manufacturing Ltd

Design Support - When you need a partner to go the extra distance – you can rely on ANR.

Design Support

We pride ourselves on being able to assist our customers with various requirements and sometimes this will be through Design Support. This can be a key element of the electronic design and manufacturing services that ANR can offer to any given project.

We can take a customer’s requirement, and within their design support brief use 3D Solid Works® software to import existing models and help to either modify them or create new models prior to production. This will ensure the best manufacturing processes are utilised.

The use of specialist software during the design support process enables us to construct an accurate definition of what the customer requires. This comprehensive preparation allows for a seamless process to be carried out. We only use the highest quality software and precision tools available for every project we undertake.

The benefit of this means that we can then go on to produce working drawings and documentation to prove out a concept before any drawings are finalised or products produced.

This allows our electronic design and manufacturing services operation to respond to the customer's needs quickly. This initial time period is often the most vital, getting a prototype product to market before the competition. We have done this for various customers in different markets but with the same end results -prototypes that have led to production orders for both parties.

When you need a partner to go the extra distance – you can rely on ANR.

Design Support Engineering Applications from ANR Manufacturing
Precision tools are used to help with our design support services.
Design Support Engineering Applications from ANR Manufacturing